ALFA International: Friday Feature Social Media Spotlight

Firm News

Today’s #FridayFeature is Jason Bonnet, a partner with ALFA International (ALFAI) member firm Leake & Andersson in New Orleans, Louisiana. Jason recently assisted with ALFAI’s booth at the 2021 NWCDC in Las Vegas. We hope you enjoy Jason’s feature!

Please tell us about a favorite family vacation spot or an incredible trip you went on recently.

This past summer, my wife (Christine), teenage daughter (Riley) and fellow LSU alum son (Taylor) spent our family vacation in Massachusetts. We hiked Boston’s Freedom Trail, visited several historical sites involving our country’s inception and saw the Atlantic Ocean for the first time. The only downside was that my wife and daughter both outfished me in Gloucester.

Tell us how you like to spend your free time. Do you have any unique hobbies?

Spending the days cooped up in an office, our family spends most of our off time outdoors, whether it be hiking our state and national parks, sailing our boat (Fifty Oars) on Lake Pontchartrain or fishing the Gulf of Mexico. That is unless it is Carnival season when we are a fixture on the parade route on St. Charles Avenue. We are looking forward to Mardi Gras on March 1, 2022!

What is the best career advice you’ve been given?

Early in my career, I was told that one was not simply an attorney but rather a “counselor at law.” One should not forget the counselor role. Lawyers often get caught up in the legal aspects of a given matter, but it remains our essential responsibility to counsel our clients on the impact of each decision, whether it be to one’s business, personal relationships, or reputation. This advice has helped resolve issues in the overall best interest of the client, regardless of whether the legal outcome of the matter would have been in their favor.

Why do you choose to participate as an active ALFA International attorney?

ALFAI has provided me with the ability to build professional and personal relationships with a wide array of people around the country. The networking opportunities offered by ALFAI vastly exceed any other organization that I have come across. ALFAI’s network of attorneys gives my clients immediate access to highly competent legal representation throughout the world and has been invaluable to my ability to seek advice from other attorneys outside of my jurisdiction. The conferences should not be missed if one has the opportunity to attend!

To learn more about Jason’s practice, click here: