Successful Ruling for Leake Casualty Team

Firm News

Leake’s Casualty team, including Rob Bonnaffons, Megan Haynes, Lou Bonnaffons, and Sheila Griffitt, achieved a successful trial verdict in the Parish of St. Martin, Louisiana, in the 16th Judicial District Court on behalf of their client. Ruling on a 7-rig accident that occurred on December 6, 2015, this verdict established the percentage of fault between the defendants and plaintiffs as well as damages owed after nearly 4 weeks in court in St. Martinville, Louisiana.


Originally facing 2 plaintiffs asking for a total of $7.5 million in damages, Leake successfully argued to decrease the award twenty-five fold. The jury awarded only $298,000 of assessed damage between the two plaintiffs and 12% fault to Leake’s client, resulting in a final verdict of ~$36,000 in damages.