Unanimous Victory at International Trade Commission

Firm News

L&A partner Eddy Hayes was part of the team that secured a unanimous 5-0 victory at the International Trade Commission (ITC) for the American Shrimp Processors Association (ASPA). This win guarantees that antidumping orders that protect our local shrimp industry will remain in place for another 5 years. These antidumping orders regulate imported shrimp from China, India, Thailand, and Brazil due to the material injury they cause to US domestic shrimp harvesters and processors.

L&A has proudly represented ASPA for years in its international antidumping cases before the ITC. Hear more about why importers are “dumping” cheap shrimp in the U.S. market, the health and environmental effects of wild-caught vs. farmed shrimp, and how victories like this one can help turn the tide for U.S. shrimpers here.